Kickstart Spotlight: Alex Louise Hill

Tell us a little bit about yourself. (example: Where did you grow up? What schooling did you do? Do you like to travel? Any animals?)

I moved here from Jakarta, Indonesia in 2016 to pursue a career in art at Emily Carr University. I graduated in 2020 with a BFA in illustration, in which I explored children's book illustration, animation, and concept art. Since then I’ve been working as a designer for TV animation and freelancing as an editorial illustrator. Much of my personal work is inspired by my Indonesian heritage. In my freetime I enjoy reading, hiking, thrifting, crafting, collecting, and much more! I’m also the proud mother of a cat and three geckos. I love talking about herpetology so throw any reptile-related questions my way! 

What was your first job? OR What is your most memorable job outside of Kickstart? What good habit(s) did you take from it?

My first job ever was a dog groomer! I still look back on those days fondly, as I’ve always loved animals. One of the first things I wanted to be was a vet, but because I could never quite get past basic algebra, dog grooming was as close as I could get. I learned a lot of people skills at that job, surprisingly. 

What’s your favorite 2-3 color combination?

To paint with; probably teal and orange. To wear; definitely green and brown.

Can you think of a particular moment when you realized you wanted to be an artist?

I’ve always had an inclination towards drawing since I was a toddler, but I really started getting serious about drawing when I joined DeviantArt (haha) at the age of 10, and started discovering people that actually did art for a living. 

What are you trying to improve in your work?

I want to get better at storytelling. I’m pretty good at conveying a short narrative in one illustration, but I would love to get better at long form storytelling, and branch into sequential art. 

What piece of advice do you wish you had been given when you first started working in this industry?

When I landed my first junior design job, I was wracked with self-doubt and imposter syndrome. I wish I could tell myself to just take a deep breath and relax! Most people working in this industry are easy going, kind, and willing to help you out or reassure you.

You’re stuck on a desert island with a laptop and a USB stick containing the entirety of one cartoon - what show is it?

Probably a very popular answer, but Avatar the Last Airbender. I’ve rewatched this show at least once a year for the last 18 years, and it never gets old! It was the first time seeing something resembling my culture on TV, so it has a special place in my heart.

What’s on your work playlist?

I tend to listen to a lot of film soundtracks, especially from animated films. Some of my favorite composers to listen to while working are Joe Hisaishi, Masakatsu Takagi, and Susumu Hirasawa. 

What continues to motivate your work, or has that changed over the years?

Personally, I never want children of my own, but I still want to make an impact on future generations. I feel my contributions to the animation industry is my way of doing that.

What’s your idea of a perfect Sunday?

Sunny day, sitting in a park or on my building’s front lawn, reading. Unfortunately sunny days are few and far between in Vancouver, so I will also accept curling up on the couch with my cat and watching anime. 

Do you have a website or social media to showcase your artwork?

Instagram: alexlouiseart

Portfolio site:


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