Kickstart Spotlight: Ana Gusson

This month our Kickstart Spotlight is one of our Directors, Ana Gusson!

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I was born and raised in the countryside of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil - which is totally not the kind of place people think of when they visualize “Brazil” in their heads. It’s the most southern province in the country where winters are pretty cold and there’s lots of green fields and cattle farming. I studied Graphic Design and Set Design in Brazil and, most recently, I studied Classical Animation at Vancouver Film School. I love to travel, wish I could do it more often! And here in Canada I live with my partner Marcel and our lovely cat Nina Flor.

What was your first job? What good habit(s) did you take from it?

My first official job was at the Uni I studied, in exchange for a discounted tuition. I was a TA/secretary of sorts and that’s where I learned that soft skills and creating genuine connections with people can benefit you immensely. Because a lot of the job depended on others providing me documents and updated information, keeping a healthy communication was key. After leaving, I was able to get better jobs thanks to the connections I made and the trust we built.

How many years have you been working in this industry?

I started working with filmmaking back in 2010. Later on, I joined an animation studio in 2014. So that makes 13 years of general filmmaking and 9 of them in the animation industry. 

How did you get started with Kickstart Entertainment?

I met Heather at the selection process of the ACE Program from Women in Animation Vancouver, she made a really positive impression on me. Then after being selected and participating in the program as a Director of the Short Film ‘Pivot’, I reached out to her and lucky for me, that was great timing!

We connected again and she and Reena called me in for an interview. It was an easy ‘yes’ for me, I was very excited to join the team!

 What piece of advice do you wish you had been given when you first started working in this industry?

Chill and it’s ok to say ‘no’. I think starting up I was always very eager to show work and prove to others and myself I can do things, so I tended to absorb a crazy amount of work. And who am I kidding, I still do that sometimes… It's a constant reminder.

If you could give one piece of advice on how to get through a hard day, what would that be?

“You just have to make it to bedtime. Tomorrow we will try again.”

Make yourself a kind post-it (aka small) to-do list for your tomorrow self and go rest. I do this very often.

What is the highlight of your career so far?

Screening ‘Pivot’ to a live audience at the OIAF (Ottawa International Animation Festival) felt really great. It’s really nice to have people resonate and respond to something the team worked so hard for. It felt like the work was finally done.

What qualities do you look for in a mentor?

Kindness, a sense of responsibility, critical thinking and clear communication.

Who are the fellow leaders you look to for inspiration and guidance?

Brene Brown, Marina Silva, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. I also love and am daily inspired by my team and colleagues here at Kickstart, truly.

What continues to motivate your work, or has that changed over the years?

This is a tough one to grasp, I don’t quite know for sure. There’s always been an inner creative impulse in me that is very thirsty for making things. Also, I have dealt with depression for a long time now and creating is my happy place, so I keep pursuing this feeling. Lately, I have been seeking to combine the creative pursuit with positive and social impactful messages, because I really believe animation is a powerful tool to connect with people.

What’s your idea of a perfect Sunday?

If it’s warm and Sunny, it’s a picnic with friends and dogs - lot’s of dogs!
If it’s cold and rainy, it’s a stay at home day, cozy and my cat Nina will come and cuddle with me while I read or watch a movie.

What is your superpower?

Creativity - too cheesy? I also have a supernatural ability to forget words both in English and Portuguese and a brutal honesty that puts me in a lot of funny situations.


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Kickstart Production Internship Program